
How To Promote A Product Through Blog

Blog marketing is no mean feat and online marketing is certainly not for the faint-hearted. There are thousands of blogs, websites, podcasts, and social media channels competing for the attention of online prospects and audience. Basically, this means that the average prospect or customer is bombarded with information and noise from every corner. So, how do you rise above the noise to get your blog noticed? In the next section, we shall look at the best blog marketing practices that will help guide you on how to promote your business effectively.

Best Practices to Promote Your Business Through Blog Marketing image Best Practices to Promote Your Business Through Blog Marketing

Write a Tutorial About Your Product

Our first tip on how to promote your business with blog marketing is by creating guides or tutorials. If you're selling products or services online then it is indispensable for you to use blog marketing to promote your products or services (through guides or tutorials in your blog). You don't have to worry about competitors stealing your documentation because you will be doing your online marketing community a great service. Ultimately, this marketing strategy will improve your site traffic and solidify your lead as a niche marketing authority.

Talk About a New Product launch

Similarly, you should use blog marketing to inform your target consumers or loyal audience about any newly launched product or service release. You can write a product review or just a feature post that highlights the major features of the new product so that consumers will find direct value of the product in your post. Alternatively, you can create a blog marketing demo video and embed it on your post as part of your online video marketing strategy. This will spur interest among consumers and elicit questions and reactions among followers in your niche blogging community.

Highlight a Great Customer

Another great tip on how to promote your business with blog marketing is by highlighting one of your key customers in your blog post. Sadly, many bloggers just write one-way traffic posts without caring to listen to what some of their consumers think or feel. Highlighting a major customer is an online content marketing strategy that will reveal the human side of your business and also help you build a deeper connection with customers and audience in your blogging community.

Share Exclusive Discounts and Promos

Organizing promos or offering exclusive discounts is one surefire blog marketing strategy that will boost your internet marketing efforts greatly. It's also a great way to promote your business and to give back to your online community. I have no doubt that customers would love to participate in contests where they get cool prizes or get surprise coupon codes for new or existing products. However, don't be too salesy in blog marketing as it will erode the value of your blog. Remember, consumers want to enjoy a great blog post for the overall value it serves, not just the promos or discounts it announces.

Write Blog Marketing Guest Posts

Writing and publishing guest posts is another fantastic blog marketing strategy that can promote your business online. To drive readers into your blog, you have to write solid, attractive, and thought provoking content. Guest posting will not only build your credibility but will also enhance the value of your brand (as it shows that your content is actually worth reading). Besides that, this blog marketing strategy also opens a new avenue to engage and elicit responses from new internet marketing prospects.

Comment on Other Blogs

Blog commenting on other people's blog and providing backlinks to your website is one of the best blog marketing strategies available to you. Though commenting may not necessarily translate into more revenue, it increases the visibility and traffic to your business website. You can easily get attention from other readers by embedding a post title (link) back to your blog post which answers some of the questions raised in the current blog post.

Optimize Your Blog Posts

As a rule of thumb, you have to optimize your blog posts for major search engines and for readers. I believe that your blog will only generate much traffic from natural search for targeted set of keywords and titles. So, make sure that you include all relevant keywords and metas in specific areas of your posts preferably opening paragraph, title, and your post conclusion.

Embed Links to Recent Posts in Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Embedding links to your posts is the best way to merge your social media and content marketing campaigns. You only need to publish your post, grab the URL, and embed it on the post section of your social media accounts. When used consistently, I believe this blog marketing strategy can grow your web traffic and boost search engine rankings for your business website. It also has the potential to increase engagement with your brand.

Make Content Attractive to Readers

Unless you create compelling and stimulating blog marketing content, you cannot expect to engage followers or attract new readers for your blog. Simple things such as your choice of post titles, organization of content, and use of infographs can influence your promotional efforts. Many people love image-rich and easy to read content that delivers great value directly. So, take time to socialize your blog marketing content so as to improve readership and searchability in the search engines.

Talk with Experts in Your field

If you are a business professional then you should not also hesitate to use blog marketing interviews or industry-specific discussions with other professionals or niche authorities to promote your business. You can transcribe video interviews into blog posts or embed links to the interview videos on YouTube or other video sharing platforms. Similarly, you can invite professionals to answer questions to some trending but controversial issues in your field or industry. This blog marketing strategy will generate buzz and increase site traffic.

Add Sharing Buttons Below Posts

To maximize views and readership in your blog, I encourage you to add share buttons and RSS blog marketing feed to your blog posts today. As simple as it seems, sharing has the potential to increase followers and generate buzz about your business. Remember, if people don't see your posts, then they can't read or share it.

Final Thoughts

I believe that blog marketing is a powerful tool to promote your business and products online. It is one of the easiest and most effective online marketing channels that guarantee good traffic and better web visibility. As you can see, it's not difficult to increase traffic or maximize the visibility of your business. Just adhere to the foregoing best blog marketing practices and you will see a remarkable improvement in your business visibility, levels of engagement, and ultimately, ROI.

Best Practices to Promote Your Business Through Blog Marketing image 400x60 1 2 Banner11 Best Practices to Promote Your Business Through Blog Marketing

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How To Promote A Product Through Blog


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